Gryphon | Atsushi | Cat | Yuujin | Hackmon

Karen | Sylvester | Oreo | K | Gatomon

Dracomon | Pomumon | Blucomon | Jazamon | Vorvomon

Chizu | Rei | Kyoko | Offmon | Adora

Hajime | Cole | DexDorugamon | Toropiamon | Balloonya

Ghostmon | Haru | Kiyoshi | Gatchmon

Hey, how 'bout a little tale
From this stupid mess of broken tragedy?
Hold back, but to no avail
It'll be well worth the price,
Let's be swallowed by the beat

Name: Atsushi
Pronouns: He/him, or any
Age: 16ish
Role: Emotional protector
Proxy: A:
-Cats (especially black cats)
-Cute things
-Soft things
-The night sky
-Current source material
(Oneiromon / Digimon RP)
-Chizu (little sister)
-Abuse of any kind
-Parents (generally)
-Loud things
-Mean or angry people
Other facts:
-Shy, apologizes a lot
-First headmate discovered
-Fronts the third most
-Fictive/OC introject formed in 2019

Name: Cat
Pronouns: He/It/Cat, doesnt care
Age: Ageless (is cat)
Role: Cat (Soother)
Proxy: Cat:
-Being cozy
-Soft things
-Being pet
-Not doing those things
Other facts:
-Is literally a cat (nonverbal sans meows)
-Potentially oldest headmate (from childhood)
-I can't ask it tho cuz it's a cat

Name: Yuujin Ozora
Pronouns: He/him
Age: ? (canon age 14)
Role: gay
Proxy: Y:
-Haru lmao
(his best friend/definite crush)
-His friends
-Smiling idfk
-Appmon Anime's finale
(Rest of anime up until That Point is fine)
(manga and game are fine)
Other facts:
-Fictive from Appmon (App Monsters)
-Adverse to answering how close to canon he is
-Unsure exactly when formed, 2020

There's a limit to hatred.
And to obstructing battle
Towards where the light shines
Don't let go.
You're no longer lost,
Not anymore.
Name: Hackmon
Pronouns: He/him
Age: Ageless (adult)
Role: Protector / Avenger / Trauma holder
Proxy: H:
-Learning about psychology
(especially plurality)
-Defending the system
-Helping others
-When people talk badly about themselves
-People who don't take accountability
-Unfair, hypocritical people
-Needlessly angry people, abusers, etc
-Anyone who hurts Gryphon/their friends
(especially emotionally)
Other facts:
-Fictive from Appmon (App Monsters)
-Talks very properly but can be aggressive
-Took current form late December 2020

Name: K
Pronouns: He/him or w/e
Age: 20
Role: Avenger / Edgelord
Proxy: K:
-being gay, doing crimes
-causing problems
-threatening violence over inconveniences
-sarcasm and teasing
-(his friends, but dont tell him i said that)
(K: I don't have any friends)
-His source material lmao
-Abusers, bigots
(especially child abusers)
Other facts:
-Fuckin gay

"I'm the cat's meow!"
Name: Gatomon
Pronouns: She/her
Age: good question...
Role: Fictive
Proxy: G:
-Cat puns
-Source material
-Canon partner (Kari Kamiya)
-Loafing around
-Dogs probably
Other facts:
-technically her source material makes her older than the host (and likely the oldest in the system year-wise)

Name: Dracomon
Pronouns: He/him
Age: N/A
Role: Digimon Caretaker
Proxy: D:
-Blucomon and Pomumon
-Jazamon and Vorvomon
-Other Digimon/Digimon-sourced fictives
-Nice people
-Mean people
-Unhealthy coping mechanisms
-When Stormy doesn't listen to his advice gdi
Other facts:
-Watches over the digimon room (consisting of Blucomon, Pomumon, Jazamon, and Vorvomon)
-Blucomon's partner
-Digimon OC introject

Name: Pomumon
Pronouns: She/her
Age: N/A (acts Little-ish)
Role: Digimon Fictive
Proxy: P:
-The jungle!!
-Mean people
-People who don't like fun
-But I wont let that stop me!! :3
Other facts:
-Digimon OC introject alongside Dracomon, Blucomon, and Jazamon
(Vorvomon is technically from a different source, but there's overlap)
-Doesn't follow OC's digivolution line
-Hyperactive and loves to play!!
-Acts somewhat like a little, despite not technically being one
(She's actually the same approximate age as Dracomon)

Name: Blucomon
Pronouns: He/it
Age: N/A
Role: Assistant Digimon Caretaker
Proxy: B:
-Cold weather
-Aurora Borealis
-Warm weather
-Loud people/noises
Other facts:
-Dracomon's partner?
-The resident grump of the digi-room
-Hates everything probably
-Most likely to kin Squidward

Name: Jazamon
Pronouns: She/it
Age: N/A
Role: Digimon Fictive
Proxy: J:
-Causing problems
-Being a menace
-Making people laugh
-Shiny things
-The system being triggered?
Other facts:
-Tiny bastarde
-Most likely to destroy something
(not even always on purpose)
-You know how parrots act? she's that, but with the ability to speak fluent english

Name: Vorvomon
Pronouns: She/it
Age: Little
Role: Digimon Fictive
Proxy: V:
-Nice people
-Cool rocks
-Shiny things
-Learning about volcanic things
-Mean people
Other facts:
-Jazamon's partner in crime
-But also Pomumon's partner in crime
(AKA basically she's just along for any ride)
-Appeared along with other RP fictives, despite not being from that roleplay (although she was an OC grouped with them previously)
-Little, Littler than the other Digimon AFAIK

Name: Chizu
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 6 - 8
Role: Little / Age slider
Proxy: C:
-Her older brother Atsushi
-Adults, especially parents
-Being forced to do things
Other facts:
-Atsushi's little sister
-Selectively mute
-OC introject
(but varies greatly from source)

Name: Rei Katsura
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 20 (source age 14)
Role: Fictive / Trauma Holder
Proxy: Rei:
-His little brother Hajime
(from source)
-Haru (from source)
-Hackmon (from source)
(from source)
-Authority figures
-His family outside of Hajime
-The source of the trauma memories he holds
Other facts:

Name: Hajime
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 14 - 16
Role: Fuzztive, Trauma holder
Proxy: Haj:, Hajime:
-His brother Rei
-Original source (Appmon canon)
-Atsushi (shared trauma holder)
-Fuzztive source
(derivative canon that gave him trauma)
-Anyone who hurts his brother
-People assuming he's from danganronpa /lh
Other facts:
-Please don't ask if he's from danganronpa we'll actually cry
-Actually a 100% fictive of his real source but his source isn't canon appmon so we just call him a fuzztive

ABOUT THE CLOUD COLLECTIVEWe are a system who would be best described as neurogenic with OSDD symptoms, but we thoroughly reject the endogenic/traumagenic model due to the coiner being a proshipper who denies the trauma of those who have been groomed or otherwise abused in fandom spaces under the guise of "live and let live". That being said, we hold nothing against people who do choose to identify with those terms, as we understand they go beyond their original coiner and furthermore both terms have origins long before the person credited to be the coiner for the modern definition. We will happily listen to any system experiences who do not invalidate the experiences of others.Most of our headmates are introjects or fictives of some kind. We are also heavily nonhuman, and some of us could be considered otherkin (for example, Stormy knows they were born a human, but identifies as a dragon.) We do not carry any spiritual beliefs regarding plurality, but we are omnitheistic and polyspiritual/polyreligious at our core, so we respect all religious and spiritual beliefs of plurality. (Unless, of course, you equate being plural to being possessed - then we have no room for you here.)Our system is a bit complicated in that while one of our alters is named Stormy, we will all answer to the name "Stormy" and may use that name if we want to keep up our singletsona image. If you specifically want to refer to our host, please use the name "Gryphon" ("Joe" will also work until we inevitably get an introject who shares that name). But "Stormy" is an appropriate name to use if you don't mind who responds (and if you're a friend who befriended us before we discovered ourselves/outside of plural spaces, you will most likely find it jarring for Gryphon to be the only one who interacts with you, so we don't recommend shutting us out.) We all share responsibility for our actions collectively - if one alter offends you, we will talk to them and ensure that they do not hurt you. Furthermore, all of us have similar opinions on people as one another - if you're friends with Stormy/Gryphon, you're friends with all of us, and you've likely talked with many of us before without realizing it. We blur a lot and do not always indicate who's talking - sometimes even when using pluralkit.
Gryphon/Stormy | Host / Core / Gatekeeper
Hackmon | Protector / ISH / Avenger
Atsushi | Trauma Holder / Anxiety Absorber
K | Avenger / Anger Absorber / Cohost
Oreo | Memory Holder / Unknown
Cat | Soother / Animal Introject
Yuujin | Fictive / Trauma Holder?
Sylvester | Unknown
Karen | Fucktive / Otherwise Unknown
Gatomon | Fictive / Otherwise Unknown
Chizu | Little / Trauma Holder? (Atsushi's sister)
Rei | Fictive / ISH / Avenger?
Kyoko | Peacekeeper / ISH
Offmon | Fictive / Anxiety Absorber?
Adora | Fictive / Trauma Holder
Haru | Fictive / Soother?
Hajime | Fuzztive / Trauma Holder
Kiyoshi | Fictive / Jokestar?
Gatchmon | Fictive / Jokestar?
Unknown Digimon Group
Recently formed/acknowlegded, these Digimon do not yet have a name for their group, but have clear roles and relationships with one another. They live in a room in headspace with many beds and black and red shapes painted onto a white wall. Most of them function as fragments to some extent, with unknown memories.
Dracomon | Digimon Caretaker/Protector
Blucomon | Dracomon's Assistant/Partner
Pomumon | Optimist
Jazamon | Trickster
Vorvomon | Little-ish
Ghostmon / Trickster
System-wide Triggers:
Pedophilia, incest (especially sibling), CSA, and sex trafficking
Sexual abuse of any kind, especially rape or molestation
(This includes underaged sexual content of fictional characters)
Pictures or graphic descriptions of fires, especially house fires
Unconscious or clearly injured people in hospitals
(People who are awake are fine / please just tag this)
Realistic or IRL pictures of injuries, no matter how minor
Suicidal or self-harming ideation ("I want to die" jokes are fine, but
(more will be added if needed)
The same DNI list on Stormy's personal carrd applies here as well.
We also ask that sysmeds do not interact due to the anxiety they cause us.
We believe trauma is often missed by society because of how subjective it can be. Because of this, many "endogenic" systems could likely have the same origins as "traumagenic" systems, but simply not fit into the same survivor groups as traumagenic systems. We respect the need for victims of certain types of trauma to have their own spaces, as we do not feel we fit into those space so clearly there is a distinction. We are still learning a lot about ourselves, but our acceptance of others will not change. Because of the rant detailed in the above paragraph, we would respectfully ask that anti-endogenics do not interact with our system outside of genuine passing questions or business-related inquiries. Unless you agree with what we said here completely, in which're not a sysmed, you've just been tricked into viewing other systems as your enemy instead of seeing unaccepting singlets as the real villains. We're trans - we've been through this rodeo before.
Suspected dormant headmates:
-Treeco (sassy aipom, smaller and slightly darker than normal aipom)
-Fireball (red, blue, and yellow dragon)
-Terra (~2016, fictive)
-Luce, Grace, Shawn, Hunter (OC introjects, 2014+)